The Texas Conference on Student Success Committee is accepting proposal submissions for the inaugural Texas Conference on Student Success, which will take place October 19-21, 2022, at the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center in College Station, Texas.
The deadline for submission is July 1, 2022.
There are four unique session types:
- Big Idea Poster Idea Session: Bring your big ideas to this nontraditional interactive poster session! Bring an emerging idea about student success that you want to brainstorm with colleagues. The Big Idea Poster Sessions are a great way to start the conversation or showcase pilot projects. Poster presenters are encouraged to design a poster with compelling graphics or other visual elements that help engage participants. The poster session will be concurrent with the cocktail hour and presenters must be present during the session.
- Round Table Discussions: Are you interested in engaging with colleagues around a student success idea or problem? Are you willing to facilitate that discussion? If so, the Round Table Discussions are for you! Topics should be narrow enough in scope for a meaningful 30-minute discussion. Round Table Discussions will occur in tables of 8 colleagues during the morning of the second day of the conference.
- Short Presentations: Do you have data on the effectiveness of a student success initiative? What did you learn in your assessment? These short sessions are designed for you to share your evidence-based practices that could be adopted by colleagues across Texas. These presentations will be 25 minutes long and paired with another short presentation during the conference.
- Interactive Presentations: An engaged audience is a learning audience. Take advantage of an opportunity to share your student success ideas and practices by getting your participants involved through scenarios/case studies, polling and more. These 50-minute interactive sessions are designed for you to incorporate at least two activities to engage your participants.
For more information and to submit a proposal, please visit the presenter page.